Zbliżenie Dominika Haufa skrzypaczka
Zbliżenie Tomasz Opaliński
Sinfonia Varsovia Swojemu Miastu Grochowska 272
Sinfonia Varsovia Swojemu Miastu amfiteatr

Sinfonia Varsovia to Its City Festival

25th Franciszek Wybrańczyk Sinfonia Varsovia To Its City Festival

10 May – 16 June 2025


The Franciszek Wybrańczyk Sinfonia Varsovia to Its City Festival is the Orchestra’s musical gift to the people of Warsaw. The Festival was initiated in 2001 by Franciszek Wybrańczyk, the long-time director of Sinfonia Varsovia.  His Orchestra was homeless for a long time, with the musicians performing abroad much more than in their hometown. That is how the idea of the Festival came about – Sinfonia Varsovia would go on a special tour across the city, performing for Warsaw audiences. Since Sinfonia Varsovia moved to its new headquarters at 272 Grochowska Street, it has hosted many Festival events, thus enriching the musical life of the South Praga district.

Sinfonia Varsovia to Its City features chamber and symphonic music concerts with performances by renowned guest conductors and soloists. Beyond the largest concert halls in Warsaw, the Festival brought concerts to non-mainstream venues such as community centers, churches, and museums, as well as to open-air locations such as amphitheaters and a purpose-built stage at Parade Square. All this aims to provide greater access to and foster engagement with music. Between 2020 and 2023 festival took place in Concert Pavilion located in the greenery of orchestra’s headquarters. In 2024 the festival went on tour through the city. The tour continues in 2025…

25th Edition of Sinfonia Varsovia To Its City Festival

  1. May
    18:00 / Amphitheater, Sowiński Park, ul. Elekcyjna 17, Warsaw
    Orchestral concerts | off-premises | Festival
  2. May
    18:00 / Nowa Miodowa – Concert Hall of ZPSM No. 1, ul. Rakowiecka 21, Warsaw
    Chamber concert | off-premises | Festival
  3. May
    19:00 / Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio of Polish Radio, ul. Modzelewskiego 59, Warsaw
    Orchestral concerts | off-premises | Festival
  4. May
    18:00 / Concert Pavilion, Sinfonia Varsovia, ul. Grochowska 272, Warsaw
    Orchestral concerts | off-premises | Festival
  5. June
    17:00 / Concert Pavilion, Sinfonia Varsovia, ul. Grochowska 272, Warsaw
    Orchestral concerts | off-premises | Festival
  6. June
    19:00 / Auditorium, Polish History Museum, ul. Gwardii 1, Warsaw
    Recital | Orchestral concerts | off-premises | Festival
  7. June
    17:00 / Campus Courtyard of the SWPS University, ul. Chodkowska 19/31, Warsaw
    Chamber concert | off-premises | Festival
    Free admission
  8. June
    19:00 / Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio of Polish Radio, ul. Modzelewskiego 59, Warsaw
    Orchestral concerts | off-premises | Festival
  9. June
    19:00 / Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio of Polish Radio, ul. Modzelewskiego 59, Warsaw
    Orchestral concerts | off-premises | Festival