Friday / 18:00

fot. Bartek Barczyk

Free admission
Friday / 18:00

Sinfonia Varsovia Wind Quintet / Maciej Frąckiewicz

Nowa Miodowa, 21 Rakowiecka Str., Warsaw
Chamber concertoff-premises
Free admission

fot. Bartek Barczyk

Free admission


Maciej Frąckiewicz accordion
Sinfonia Varsovia Wind Quintet:
Andrzej Krzyżanowski flute
Arkadiusz Krupa oboe
Radosław Soroka clarinet
Henryk Kowalewicz French horn
Piotr Kamiński bassoon

Programme [75']

Ferenc Farkas Régi magyar táncok a 17. századból (Early Hungarian Dances from the 17th Century) for wind quintet (1959) [10’]
I. Intrada: Allegro moderato
II. Lassú: Moderato, maestoso
III. Lapockás tánc: Allegro quasi scherzo
IV. Chorea: Moderato
V. Ugrós: Allegro
Stanisław Moniuszko Highlanders’ Dances from the opera Halka (1858, arr. for wind quintet Piotr Kamiński) [5’]
Paul Hindemith Kleine Kammermusik, Op. 24 No. 2 for wind quintet (1922) [14’]
I. Lustig. Mäßig schnelle Viertel
II. Walzer: Durchweg sehr leise
III. Ruhig und einfach
IV. Schnelle Viertel
V. Sehr lebhaft


Alexander von Zemlinsky Humoreske (Rondo) for wind quintet (1939) [5’]
Jacques Ibert Trois pièces brèves for wind quintet (1930) [8’]
I. Allegro
II. Andante
III. Assez lent – Allegro scherzando
Tomasz J. Opałka Laminar Circulations for wind quintet and accordion [20’]*

* world premiere – Sinfonia Varsovia commission in the frame of National Institute of Music and Dance “Composing Commissions” Programme.


Laminar Circulations

The title of the composition is paradoxical. Linear layering collides with its circular dimension. The constitutive material in this case is air, which takes on both physical, material, and philosophical dimensions. Laminar flow is collateral, collision-free, and at the same time dehumanized, devoid of any relational component. Circularity forces collisions, is tempestuous, turbulent, generates resistance and tensions.  Frenetic, volatile and changing time is reflected in the structure of the piece. It also echoes the anxiety and fear of modern man, who protects himself from the residuality of ties in the digital meta-reality.

The sound matter of the combined wind quintet and accordion is fascinating. Traditionally it has been used in a way that does not fully convey the color potential of this combination. Looking for a morphing color, appealing through its variability and unpredictability, at once coherent and heterogeneous, I return in the piece to my search for color, its coherence, stratification, deconstruction and re-aggregation.

– Tomasz J. Opałka



A classic woodwind quintet made up of a flute, an oboe, a clarinet, a bassoon, and a French horn, the Sinfonia Varsovia Wind Quintet formed in 2010 as a grassroots initiative of the musicians of Sinfonia Varsovia. Its members are soloists of the Orchestra’s wind section, musicians who have earned both national and international recognition. The ensemble has appeared at the piano festival La Roque-d’Anthéron and the La Folle Journée festival in Nantes, among others. The ensemble is made up of: Andrzej Krzyżanowski (flute), Arkadiusz Krupa (oboe), Radosław Soroka (clarinet), Henryk Kowalewicz (French horn), and Piotr Kamiński (bassoon).

 The repertoire of SVWQ includes classic pieces for a wood quintet, but particular significance is attached to Polish 20th century compositions by such artists as Grażyna Bacewicz, Wojciech Kilar, Andrzej Panufnik, or Józef Świder. A recording of Bacewicz's and Panufnik's quintets appeared on the “Chamber Way” album, released in 2021. The ensemble also performs film and popular music, as well as projects addressed to the youngest listeners.

The Sinfonia Varsovia Wind Quintet's monographic programme will feature old Hungarian dances arranged by Ferenc Farkas alongside Highlanders’ Dances from Stanisław Moniuszko's opera Halka. The remainder of the programme will consist of classic 20th-century repertoire for woodwind quintet by French (Ibert), Austrian (Zemlinsky) and German (Hindemith) composers. Most of the compositions making up the evening's programme are characterised by lightness and cheerful expression. The concert will be crowned by the world premiere of a new composition “Laminar Circulations” written especially for the occasion by Tomasz J. Opałka, in which the Sinfonia Varsovia Wind Quintet will be joined by accordionist Maciej Frąckiewicz.