Ensemble Garage
Annegret Mayer-Lindenberg viola, performans
Eva Boesch cello, performans
Frank Riedel saxophone
Yuka Ohta percussion instruments
Małgorzata Walentynowicz piano, synthesizer, program cooperation
Robert Migas-Mazur electronics, sound engineering
Wioleta Żochowska curator
Jessie Marino Endless Shrimp
Monika Szpyrka zero waste tip 1: don’t waste your music (and video) for sampler and video (version II)
Brigitta Muntendorf #AsPresentAsPossible
Stefan Streich Jeu de chiffres 9
Martin Schuttler Gier
The task was completed thanks to financial support of the Capital City of Warsaw under the Integrated Restoration Programme of the Capital City of Warsaw until 2022