The team has the power – workshops for elementary schools

We invite you to experiment together with the TEAM! But what does it actually mean to “be a team”? Does a team require a leader? Is acting together more difficult than acting solo? At the workshop we will listen to the group and its needs and capabilities. Using sound and movement experiments, we will explore various aspects of community action. We will examine how effective conducting gestures are, test the power of the chorus and write group compositions. During the meeting, live edited soundtracks will be created, which students will receive on their mobile devices.


Further information

For whom: grades 4–8 of elementary school (maximum 25 participants)
Where: at your school
Duration: 90 minutes (2 lesson hours with a break)
Led by: a theater teacher + an educator
Date: 9 April, 21 and 28 May, 11 June 2025
Registration: via form available from August 2024 (application by educational institutions)
Cost: 15 PLN/participant