Neighborhood Map of the Classics

The project is an invitation to explore the phenomena, situations, places and objects that surround us in relation to the term “classic.” It could be a space on a housing estate, an old car left to you by a grandparent, or maybe an old tree or a road to work or school.

The project will include creative meetings in a group of twelve people. The group will work with various artistic tools (including theatrical, visual, musical means), and the participants will be assembled into creative tandems. The finale of the project will be 6 micro sound events in unusual spaces in Praga-Południe (Praga-South). The project will also include meetings with people who will broaden the reflection on “classicism” in various areas (e.g. activism, contemporary art, architecture, music). The workshop will be led by a theater educator and activist. We invite people aged 17+ who are interested in a wide range of musical and sonic areas, both local and social, to join the activities. If you collect vinyls, make music with your family, write songs, or simply enjoy experimenting with sound – this project is a thing for you.

Detailed information in June 2025!

Further information

For whom: teenagers and adults aged 17+
Where: Sinfonia Varsovia and partner community centers
Duration: 2 months (6–8 meetings of 3–4h each)
Led by: a theater educator + an activist
Date: September – October
Registration: via form available from mid-August 2025
Cost: Free