On 28 September, a project intended for preschoolers and their guardians premiered on our YouTube channel. “Little Basil at Sinfonia Varsovia” is the six-episode story of the titular character learning about the symphony orchestra’s instruments. Sinfonia Varsovia’s musicians will accompany him on his journey through the world of sounds. Following episodes will be released on Mondays and Thursdays in the upcoming three weeks.
After years of living alone in the dark instrument warehouse of the Warsaw Orchestra, Little Basil the Basilisk gained a keen sense of hearing. One morning he is awakened by strange sounds. He is intrigued to find out where these mysterious sounds are coming from. It turns out that Sinfonia Varsovia’s musicians have already started rehearsing. Members of the Orchestra guide the protagonist through the arcana of sounds, showing him how the bass clarinet, violin, double bass, trumpet, flute and timpani are constructed and played. In each episode viewers follow new adventures and learn a little bit about instruments and music.
Episodes are available on Sinfonia Varsovia’s YouTube channel.